What is Acupuncture?
[custom_frame_right][/custom_frame_right] Acupuncture is an ancient medical art that originated in China over 2,500 years ago. The practice of acupuncture is based on the theory that there are pathways, or meridians, that flow throughout the body. Within these meridians flows a substance called Qi (chee).
According to Chinese Medical theory, Qi is a vital energy force that is essential to all life. When Qi becomes unbalanced within a meridian, pain and disease may result. Acupuncture involves placing hair-thin needles into specific points along these pathways in order to maintain the proper flow of Qi. This creates balance in the body, promoting good health and well-being.
Western View of Acupuncture
According to modern scientific studies, acupuncture works by regulating the nervous system. By stimulating the release of immune system components and by producing pain-killing endorphins, the body is able to naturally heal itself. There is also evidence that acupuncture may alter brain chemistry by regulating neurotransmitters and hormones, affecting every aspect of the human body. These modern observations support the ancient theory that acupuncture promotes a state of balance and well-being in the body.